Wednesday we spent the majority of the day at the invalid men’s home. We helped more in the garden. Initially the men objected to our help. Eventually they allowed Laura to help set the the cut potatoes in the dirt. The rest of us shifted to another area in the garden and started planting cabbage. Mason used a hoe to make a row with two other men and then Robert and I set the plants at the required distance and then covered them in dirt. Dawsyn helped cut a million potatoes. We quit working after we had planted a hundred cabbage plants and some tomato plants, Laura and men planted 18 rows of potatoes that Dawsyn and crew had cut. Bransen did a little of everything.
We then returned to the apartment, got cleaned up and had lunch. We were with a team from Wisconsin off and on today. After lunch we headed back to the invalid men’s home for English lessons.
Dinner was at Ruby and Lynn’s house. What a fantastic group of people serving here. David and Jayne are from Lebanon Ohio. They teach at the University and Jayne is transforming the country and the foster care system. Ruby and Lynn are from Canada and were a lot here and in several other countries. They, along with the Wrights, are all wonderful caring, hard working people. It has been such a blessing to spend a little time with them.
Very cool. Hard work and fulfilling as well. Don't worry about blogging, we look forward to hearing from you all about the experience and the change you were able to bring to some lives in another part of God's world. You brought some joy, comfort, and hope; not much could be better, could it?!